CAB instructions:
- Trace the 60mm base onto foamboard
- cut out shape
- trace 25mm base onto base
- cut slightly into base following 25mm base outline
- hollow out area to make a 25mm round hole - do not cut through the bottom layer!
CAB - Basic base complete.
CAB Heavy weapons bases

My friend and I went to Hobby Lobby to buy some resin - we were going to make bases with textures cast on them - we found a toy block casting set - to make castle blocks from plaster for 12 dollars after our 40% coupon....we got that instead - the excess that you scrap off we used to make rubble for my Hvy weapons
The first blocks we made had bubbles in them - so I used a few for a missile launcher team.
Las Cannon Squad
These do not look as good as regular bases BUT it sure was cheaper - and hopefully after I spend some time painting and putting ballast and rubble on the bases, they will not look as bad.
Las Cannon Squad

The cool part is that I can remove the figures to keep track of wounds.
Thoughts, Suggestions, Comments?
Thoughts, Suggestions, Comments?