40K Tyranids: Smaller beasts
I've painted a few more tyranids recently, to add to the swarm:
Neurogaunts are weaker creatures that act as synaptic signal relays for the
hive mind. Wi...
Shadow War on Fort Sparcos escalates
By 03.025M42, Fort Sparcos, a once-formidable Chaos stronghold, had become
a battleground of multiple factions, each vying for dominance in the
Farewell to Warhammer.
That's it. I am definitely done with Warhammer. Me and my best friend, who
passed away in 2020, started in the early eighties and we did 1st, 2nd and
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
Woodworking - Star Wars Death Star Box on Lathe
With a bit more practice on the lathe I tried out making a sphere 'box'.
Once I had the sphere made into a box (I won't explain that, many youtube
I am leaving but no one fucking cares
This blog is done.
No one interacts and i'm tired of begging the world for connection.
If you have a blog that people connect to, comment on (like I did...
Painted Models in January - Gallery
A quick snap of all the models I got painted this month!
Total Models: 46
- Bonereaper Soulreaper
- 5 Death rider Kavalos
- Mortek Crawler
Warhammer Quest Silver Tower - Trial of Azyr
Byron Manfred and his wight king companion each carry two pieces of the
Gaunt Summoner's shattered amulet. Together, they are half-way toward
completing th...
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
Hullo All,
Well, I'm back at work (which sucks) but I'm also partway through a pretty
productive summer!
I thought I'd mark this by updating where I am wi...
Mortal Gods - First Playthrough
So my mate, Alan, has been waiting with fevered anticipation for this to
arrive and so when the postie delivered Mortal Gods (originally by a
company ca...
Gnome Wars - Cold Wars 2019
To All,
Here are a few images from the Gnome Wars game that I ran on Saturday night
at Cold Wars. The Germans were trying to hold the castle from the allie...
Going back to Middle Earth
I've dove head long back into Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings and
the Hobbit were a huge piece of my Childhood. My Pop Jim Sr read the books
to u...
AoS Magic Alter/Objetive Marker
Hi all,
I've been noodling around with some terrain ideas for AoS (if you not seen
my previous post) and through a bit of trial and error I came up with an...
Cheesestealer Cult progress plus Primaris Reivers
I've slowly been working on the first 498pts of my Cheesestealer Cult aka
the "Nezu". One mostly finished guy and a bunch with yellow down (using
The Wolf Time
I have been working on a project - building forces for an old Rogue Trader
mini campaign "The Wolf Time".
Currently I am focusing on the Space Wolf forces.
Tips to become a better painter
If you're reading this blog then chances are that you've painted a mini or
two in the past, or otherwise you're thinking of making a start. Either
way the...
Manfaat Daun Salam Dan Buahnya Untuk Kesehatan
Daun salam acapkali dipakai selaku bumbu makanan karna ada bebauan yg
eksklusif. daun salam lazim ditemui pada makanan berkuah serupa goreng
alias gulai. m...
Forge World sells out of Thunderhawks!
Is there a plastic Thunderhawk in your future?
We may be getting closer, or we may not....
From a reddit thread. Someone emailed Forge World and they res...
Miniature Monday: Retributor Prime
So just a quickie today and an almost totally finished Retributor Prime.
Did an small conversion on this one. I added a Tzaangor head from the
Darkoth Chi...
Robotech RPG Tactics
UEDF Valkyrie Assembly Part 2
Sadly I couldn't find a decent Valkyrie picture. :(
I finished assembling my first squadron of UEDF...
Breaking: Games Workshop Releases Tournament Format
"Tank Shock" the new organized play format from Games Workshop was shipped
out to stores. Included inside are multiple objective markers, buttons,
Pig Iron Stock update
Hi all, just a quick one to let you know we have received a box of show
stock back from The Bunker yesterday - this has all been added back onto
the site. ...
Blog Update - Late August
Figured since I haven't posted anything recently I would go ahead and let
you, the readers, know whats been going on. Since the list building
article I po...
we will be starting the THE FALL OF ORPHEUS campaign on the Dec 15
Let me know if you are really interested. So far its Kyell me, Matt and
Dave. A great set...
One more Centurion is ready to blast the enemies of mankind to
smithereens. I really like the Stormlords Project so far, that's why I will
spend more time...
Building the Gundam - 08
Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put
them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority.
The Gundam ha...
Aphid barker - Assembly
Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2
Kickstarter miniatures.
This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...
Vanilla Skies 2.0: New SM Codex Flyer Army
Ok so since the Skies Booklet release I have always wanted to run a Vanilla
Skies list made up of 3 storm ravens and 3 storm talons. I feel this book
Getting a game in again after a long time.
So last night was the first time playing in a very long time. I had the
pleasure of playing with my "pusher of plastic and tears, who you love to
hate, or ...
Back for a quick post
Almost two years since my last post I have played the game of course but I
have had some personal hick-ups along the way so if I update anytime after
this ...
My Experiences with the New Daemons
*Thats my Karanak conversion* :)
Before the new codex, my Daemon list was built purely for fluff purposes. I
was running pink horrors, flesh hounds and ...
Dark Vengence Deathwing Terminators
I painted the five Deathwing battle damaged and worn.
I like the part in Angels of Darkness when they are hot on the trail and do
not remove armor or relax ...
Pre-Heresy 1k Sons - Feast of Blades Raffle Army
Check out this sweet raffle army by Next Level Painting for this weekend's
Feast of Blades Invitational Tournament!
These loyalists models were painted ...
Follow the Flames: Round 2 - 800 pts
My USSR troops were in action again (again mascarading as Greeks). Unlike
last time, both these games were tactically much more challenging and a ...
The Pack Elite - Part 2
*I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working
on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have
what to...
Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?
This has been a topic of debate with myself really and I can imagine with
most of the rest of you.
On the surface I immediately went straight to Immortals ...
Game Turn 3
A busy couple of weeks fighting on Khaleraaq. Despite the spewing masses of
daemons flowing from the warp, *and* a Seekers victory over the Rebels they
Turn order and Initiative
There’s three main ways of organising how players take turns in a campaign
ranging from the very simple simultaneous method, to the ordered method or
the m...
Progress report: 3rd Tactical Squad
Wow... First post since july.... And the first post of 2011! Let's see if I
can breathe som life back into this blog, eh?
The good news is that I'm feeling...
Tales of the Rancid Blade: Part 37. The Genius
Jungle vines hung through the blasted window that had once looked out
across the stars. Its wide oval was about thirty feet across and where it
once it hel...
Terrain: St. Kevin's Church
I have always enjoyed building terrain to battle over. In fact it was the
terrain section of the 3rd edition Catachan Codex that first drew me into
the hob...
Bunker, Bunker, Bunker
This is the roof of the bunker. The three blocks glued to the roof are to
make it easy to line up when you take the roof on and off.
I mixed some plaster an...
Finished Ice Necron Warriors!
Hi, everyone!
Sorry for the delay in getting the pictures but. Here is a couple of
pictures detailing everything I did in my finished Ice-Themed Necron
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